Saturday, October 31, 2009
Went to Sentosa with the rest of the councillors today.Have so much fun,but didn't enjoy some parts of it.Apparently we run all over Sentosa because it is the Amazing Race.Got sunburned.Oh well... Yin Ning and I were the group leaders for the day.But Yin Ning did most of the work.Hahs... Got so tired also.But that didn't stop me from anything.Anyways,here are some pictures. =]

Me and Yin Ning,wet.

Jun Yi reading the map.
After some time,the paper became like this.

Iylia,Azmi and Hafiz.
Yin Ning,Iszuan and Farhan.

The picture is erm... not very perfect.

Azmi,Iszuan,Iylia,Hafiz,Farhan and me.Hahas...
My group didn't complete the whole Amazing Race just because we were delayed for a while and cannot find the damn freaking last station.Wth... Got pissed off but in the end ended up at the sea playing with these few peeps.Got very hungry and a bit giddy.Then in the bus on the way home,it started raining heavily and got a lot of lightning and thunder.Got scared by the lightning and thunder a few times.When walking home I screamed a few times and felt like an idiot.Lol... Ok... Thats all for today. =D
Friday, October 30, 2009
Yeah...!I got back my results.I'm so happy.Here they are...
English: 61 (B4)
Chinese: 62 (B4)
Math: 59 (C5)
Science: 73 (A2)
Geography: 72 (A2)
History: 72 (A2)
Literature: 51 (C6)
DnT: 67 (B3)
Art: 68 (B3)
Home Economics: 85 (A1)
IPW: 73 (A2)
Class position: 14/38
Level position: 27/193
Hahs... I'm so over the moon.I've never expected this.I thought I can't make it to 305.Seems like this time round can le.Hmm... Going Sentosa tomorrow.Kena as group leader.Sian... Updating tomorrow.Hopefully there will be pictures.Hasta la vista... =D
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Went for the Battlefield Tour today!Hahs... The 2 places the class visited are the Old Ford Factory and the Kranji War Memorial Park.I've never seen so many tombs in my whole life before.Lol... Its actually a bit creepy.We were also given an orchid each to place it on a tomb.The Old Ford Factory have nothing much actually.Just se video and walk around see pictures.Some pictures are quite gruesome.Lol... Then went T1 with Rinku to buy some glass bottles.I'm so going to collect some sand this Saturday.Hahas... Hmm... TTFN. =]
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Went to Sentosa with the class today.Saw the Universal Studio.The place is very big and nice too.Hahs... Too bad my USB cable got problem.If not can post some pictures.When walking to the Palawan beach,we were all just jaywalking.Lol... Then saw a peacock.So pretty... The beach is pretty.Canace,Veron and still got some of us were playing at a fountain for a while.Not all of us were wet actually.After I dissapear and came back to search for them,they were at 7-11.In the end I spend much money on food.Wth... Then play volleyball.Luckily this time round no accidents.But Canace seems to have some.Hahas... Got sunburn,sad.The weather too sunny liao.My legs ache also.Wanted to collect some sand but didn't have anything with me to store it.Going to buy some glass bottles tomorrow for Saturday as I will also be going to Sentosa again.Hahs... Heard Canace saying tomorrow going the Kranji Memorial Park or something like that.Lol... Update tomorrow.TTFN. =]
Monday, October 26, 2009
OMG I passed History!Hahas... Never expected it as I didn't revised much and got a 76.So happy... But still worried that I can't enter the 1st class.So much competition going around.Then got what Streaming thing tomorrow.Don't know talk about what subject stuff or etc. .Aiya heck care la.I will sure be half asleep.There will be a class chalet on 11th of Nov.Don't know if I should go or not.See 1st ba.Hahs... Holidays should be in 4 days time.Yeah!But sure very sian one lor... Hmm... Nothing to say le.I'll try to update tomorrow.TTFN... =]
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Haiz... So sian.Tomorrow got school.Can't wait for either Wednesday or Thursday.Post exams activities... May be going to Sentosa.Hahs... Its been years since I've been there.Then Friday is PTC.For me,Dooms Day.Hahas... Lets just hope that I am among the top 40,then I will be jumping for joy liao.This time round also maybe can't get money liao.Sad... No la.It isn't about the money la.Its more about my future.If I can't get Thriple Science I think I don't what to do liao,will be very lost.Lol... Lets see how till then.TTFN... =]
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Today is 姐姐's birthday.Whoo!Happy Birthday!Hahs... We got a chocolate cake for her,a heart shape.There were 4 slices of white chocolate sticking on top of the cake and I ate them all.Hahas... XD I also ate 2 slices of cake.Lols... I know I have a big appetite.Getting back my History marks on Monday.I really don't give a damn already.If I really flunk it I don't care liao,fail by all means.I'm so sick and tired of this.I don't care about the results anymore.I wash my hands off everything liao.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Haiz... I feel so useless.Got back 3 results already.As if I haven't had enough of it yet.Flunked my Lit,47/100.Chinese Paper 2 got 56/100 which is not my usual standard.Math overall 66/100,got improve actually.All my results so average,some even dropped.I really hopeless le.No cure liao... Now left History.I don't want to know the results already,sure fail one.I am also not looking forward to recieving my Report Book back.Just makes me feels worse.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
So sad now... Got back my English results today.A 56/100,I want cry already.Actually its 55,then added 1 more mark for the summary.I can't believe I got 15 for the Compo,must be write out of point,if not won't get so low,maybe grammar errors also.The grammar errors in my Report Writing cause me to lose some marks also.Totally ruined my chance for getting a B3 for overall marks.I'm starting to think that I won't get into the thriple Science class anymore.Now I really want to cry.Shouldn't think of this anymore.Looking forward to my other results.Tomorrow will be Math and Chinese,so nervous... If I also didn't do well,I might just bang the wall.Haiz... TTFN...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BELOVED FATHER!Lol... Today is my father's birthday.I know I'm lame... But to me,he is the best father.Hahas... He jokes,craps and play with us children.When its time to get serious,he will be very strict and scary.Though whatever he do I won't hate him,except someone... Ok... So happy 36th birthday 105kg! =D
The exams are over.Yeah!Finally can play all day,actually not all day.Still got a lot of stuffs going on,CCA and etc. .Haiz... Sian.At least can get away from home,don't need to face my bro everyday.Facing each other everyday will end up arguing,quarelling,scolding each other and at worst,fighting.Wonder why some siblings can get along with each other so well.Haiz... So bored.Nothing much for today.TTFN. =]
Sunday, October 11, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRREPLACEBLE!Today's post is dedicated to Kimberly!She's gone through thick and thin with me and Gi.Always there for me when I needed help.Always creating fun for us.We are like sisters and our bond is strong.8 years of friendship and still counting.Staying strong as always and stay happy Kim! =]
Tomorrow is English Paper 2 and MT Paper 2.Quite nervous actually... Don't know it will be difficult or not.Haiz... I felt very dissapointed with someone.She claims that she care for me and etc. .But actually that are just words.There's no actions.Just asked her buy some food for me.In the end after some things she only bought the other 2 shares.Then say I useless,stupid,so on... Say I buy present for my Father but no buy for her.What for I buy for her.Say I useless,she even more useless.Haiz... Blood boiling liao.Better not continue already.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Today's the 1st day of exam.Sat for English Paper 1 and MT Paper 1.The report writing for English is so-so.As for the Compo,there were 5 questions and 3 of them were extra.I was actually afraid to write out of point for the 1st time.Don't know whats the meaning of 'humbled' but attempted that very topic.In the end I didn't write out of point.Luckily... Chinese was quite easy.There's one topic from the letter writing that I'm familiar with and one of the topic from the Compo was easy too.This coming Tuesday is Math.I'm so scared.I'm afraid I can't do well enough.Haiz... I have a feeling this round isn't going to be easy.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Oh my god!Tomorrow is the starting of EOY.Still revising for Math.Goingto freak out soon.Anyways,I felt like a idiot back at school today.I screamed a few times for some stupid minor things.It was raining heavily during DnT period and suddenly there was a loud clap of thunder.I wasn't prepared for it so I kind of screamed softly.The 2nd one was when the others and I were walking back to class.Saw a bright flash followed quickly by a loud boom.This time round there were some people screaming with me then everyone laughed.Next was the moth.It's inside Erfan's bag and he was standing beside me.Then someone say got moth and I sprang from my seat screaming.Lol... Lame right?Hahs... Then stupid Pear go shove the bag towards me and I screamed again.Haiz... Got to revise.TTFN! =]
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Happy Mid - Autumn Festival Everyone! =]Ok... Lets talk about mooncakes.Lol... Just ate some today.Some were delicious,the ones my father bought.The rest were so-so.I still remember the ones my Mum made.Not bad actually... Just too many nut flakes or don't know what they call it and the skin is a bit too thin.I know I'm a very fussy eater.But somehow my Mum keep using me as a guinea pig.Whatever I say ok then she will start selling it.Lol... Just came back from a BBQ not long ago.Wanted to play with the candles but Fatso took all of it.Wth... Then stay there like an idiot.Ate 3 prawns,some bee hoon,some sausages,jelly and a packet of green tea.I know I eat a lot.I want to see the moon as they say it will be very pretty.But then keep raining and until now I still can't see the god damn moon.Clouds go away... Lol... Should end here now.TTFN. =D