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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
2dae P.E plae rounders if I'm nt wrong.Quite fun la.Tis few daes havin flu.Nw I oso startin 2 cough already.Goin 2 be sick in a few daes.The canteen duty is worser than last week.Got a group of sec 3 guys is the worse of all.Joycelyn tell them nicely,they refused 2 listen.Then I came over n kind of shouted at them.They oso refused 2 listen.1 of them finish the drink already then throw it on the floor n tell me 2 pick it up.I was so angry tat I feel lyk throwin the packet of drink on his face.Worst still,cnnt find Miss Santha n more of the upper sec people tried 2 bring food out of the canteen.We told Haseena about tis n she sae she is goin 2 tell Fadzly about it.Joycelyn oso gt tell Mr Foo about tis matter.I wish 2morrow none of tis would happen again.Btw,tis song is very nice n I can't manage 2 find the song.But tis is the video.

Vivian ★ ,3:50 PM.

Saturday, July 26, 2008
I'm so stressed out tis few tis n usually I cn control my temper well but oso tis few daes over a bit of problem then I feel very angry.I duno wad happen 2 me but I hope tat tis daes will end soon.My fwens r rite,dun trust anybody... Maybe I'm too over-trusting.Soeow the onli people I cn trust is my family,best fwens n maybe my seniors.Test is comin soon.Mus revised 2 prove 2 my family tat I'm not useless.Especially my father.I'm currently in some fwenship problems.Someone is backstabbing me.I duno if I need 2 trust my instincts.I'm so confused.N my mother,in my eyes she is quite ok but hav no brains.How cn she let my younger sister sleep with some guy with her whom is not even my younger sister's real father.If tis matters r not solve,I'm goin 2 go crazy some dae.I hav no condfidence tat everything will go accordingly 2 my own way.

Vivian ★ ,4:15 PM.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
2dae do recess duty.The upper sec people,feel lyk punchin their faces.Tell them dun bring food out of the canteen.Some of them dun listen.Argh... Then Joycelyn n I stop alot of people.I remember got a group of malay guys go walk out of the canteen then Joycelyn can't stop them.In the end I mus shout at them then they listen.2morrow duno wad will happen.I duno where is canteen side 5 but less stressed as it is the lower sec recess 2morrow tat time when I'm goin 2 hav duty.So its more ok la.XD

Vivian ★ ,8:09 PM.

Saturday, July 19, 2008
2dae got chase by a bee n a hornet.I was freak out n stayed in my room.When I see tat the coast is cleared,I went out again 2 eat my lunch but the bee appeared again.I stayed in my room until the bee is gone.Tis morining got chase by a hornet.I did the same thing n was very freak out when the hornet flew near the baby,afraid ltr the hornet go n sting her.So unlucky lor.After the bee attack,I came bck n start 2 chat with Lydia.My father then go push the trolley over my feet with the baby inside.It was painful.Everytime liddat go disturb people.Yeserdae I wore the NPCC uniform.I look lyk an idiot.Very weird.Its lyk the berret is too small.Samantha's boots can fly out n Kah Ngee's boots oso very lose.Miss Goh is leaving the school.So sad,wish 2 see her again.Lucky I got add her in msn. =p

Vivian ★ ,4:37 PM.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
2dae sort of lyk walk home with Pamela.She was goin 4 tuition n the place is quite near my house,so go home with her.We chatted along the way home.I try out the uniform 2dae n I look lyk very weird.Thn duno hw 2 put berret.Thn the buttons n shoes need 2 polish.But my grandmother sae it suits me.Watch Step Up 2 The Streets 2dae n its very damn nice n all the songs r nice.Tis is one I lyk the most.

Vivian ★ ,9:21 PM.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Yesterdae went 2 the K9 unit.So many cute dogs.Gt springer spaniel,labrador retriever,border collie n many more.Very huge in size bt cute.I get 2 touch 3 of them n took some pics.Haziqah n the rest were quite afraid of them b'cos of their size.Actually they r harmless.Then 2dae,when doin councillor duty,luckily there were no mishaps.Then at 2pm,checkin the Npcc uniform,unfortunately,I lack of 1 button n a pair of ranks.Then Sir Zhi Qiang giv me spare.Haseena told me the buttons I got were actually 4 guys.Lol... Tis Fridae is service dae,maybe if lucky cn end up sayin hello 2 Choon Chia.Hahas...XD

Vivian ★ ,7:50 PM.

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Yeah... Went 2 buy a pair of shorts,long tights n a sleeveless shirt.Nw I realise tat all of them is black in colour.Wardrobe filled with almost all black colour clothes.Nxt time mus try n buy more colourful ones.I wonder y but mostly whn buyin clothes will buy mostly black,follow by white,grey,pink n blue.Its lyk there r no colours in my life except tis few.Kai Ming send a sms sayin about a visit 2 the k9 unit if I'm nt wrong n Tuesdae bring along our full-u.I was wonderin y gt outin but no consent form.Thn I blur blur.Went 2 ask Kah Ngee she said duno.So I tell her tat durin councilor duty I will ask him.I think tat was all yesterdae,4get already.Haiz... Mondae 2 Fridae gt councilor duty.Week 9 n 10 oso gt patrolin duty.Sian seh.XD Bt quite fun oso la.

Vivian ★ ,7:24 PM.

Saturday, July 12, 2008
2dae wake up at 7am+.My father 2dae hav 2 work thn baby cryin.So very noisy.Thn after a while when I wake,duno where on earth the cockroach come n saw a blurry image of my father chasin the cockroach n the cockroach running 4 its life.I c my father spray insecticide on the cockroach n it died after a while.My father saw tat I hav waken up,he stick the cockroach on a sticker n take it into the room.I scream the moment I saw it.The cockroach is a large one.When he was about 2 go work,I saw him takin out a motor vehicle,which I duno wat its name,n was preparing 2 take it out n ride it 2 work.I was thinking tat if the vehicle could speakit would sae tat actually its life is long,after tis fatty sit on me,my life may shorten.Lol...XD Btw,2dae when cookin instant noodles,I was lookin 4ward 2 hav a perfect egg my in the end the egg yolk,duno hw 2 describe.Its been rather funny 2dae.

Vivian ★ ,7:53 PM.

Saturday, July 05, 2008
Yesterdae is our school sports dae.Its quite fun la I should sae.Then bein drag 2 plae frisbee.3 mathches,1 goal,omg... Its the worse game ever...Lol.2dae goin night safari.Then my father sae ltr go there get eatten by the lion b'cos I'm fat.I where got fat... He then fat ah,105 kg.He oso got sae my younger brother,ltr get squashed by the rhinocerous.Where got lyk tat one... Curse us lyk dat.My younger sister goin 2 come soon.So happy 2 c her.Its been 2 weeks since I saw her.She poor thing,she hav moved house 4 lyk 5 times already.All b'cos of my mother.Actually its lyk I appear lyk I dun care but in fact I'm quite upset la.8 of August got gathering at TNPS.Haven spread the message yet.Kim oso.C 1st la.=] N tis is the song by cascada,hope you will enjoy it.=p

Vivian ★ ,10:31 AM.

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Blogger ❤

17 November is my day . :D
14+ this year .
Loves listening to music .
Love my family and friends .
Love doggys .
I'm a total chocolate lover .
Rollerblading,swimming and cycling are my faves too .
Loves all shades of Blue,especially Light Blue .
And have 3 adorable siblings:Wei Chong a.k.a Fatso,
Verene .

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Email. Friendster. Facebook

Music ❤

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Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Wishlist ❤

• Animal(Ke$ha) .
• Chasing Lights(The Saturdays) .
• Circus(Britney Spears) .
• David Archuleta(David Archuleta) .
• Doll domination(PCD) .
• Fearless(Platinum edition)(Taylor Swift) .
• Guilty Pleasure(Ashley Tisdale) .
HSM 3 .
• Step Up 3 OST .
• The Fame(Lady GaGa) .
• The Fame Monster(Lady GaGa) .
• Aliens in the attic .
• Bandslam .
• Bride Wars .
• Cats and Dogs 2 .
• Confessions of a shopaholic .
• Fame .
• G.I. Joe .
• Love Happens .
• Marley and me .
• Monsters vs Aliens .
• The Proposal .
• The Time Traveler's Wife .
• Tooth Fairy .
• X-men Origins Wolverine .
• 9 .
• Twilight .
New Moon .
• Eclipse .
Breaking Dawn .
• Marked .
Betrayed .
Chosen .
Untamed .
Hunted .
Tempted .
• Burned .
The Time Travelers's Wife .
• Vampire Diaries book 3 and 4.
• Curl my hair(whn I'm older) .
• Dye my hair brown .
• Get good grades for Sec 2,3,4(Hopefully) .
• Get into Temasek Poly/TPJC .
• Learn how to play the guitar .
• A Baby Pooh Bear .
• Everybody to be happy .

Sweet Escapes ❤

Hang Ying♥
Jin Yang♥
Jun Yi♥♥
Kah Ngee♥♥
Man Kit♥
Ning Zi♥♥
Shi Teng♥
Si Yi♥
Xin Ling♥♥♥
Yan Han♥
Yin Ning♥♥
Yong Long♥
Zi Ning♥
Zi Qian♥♥
EVSS Class 205 Blog♥♥♥
Mummy's Blogshop(Cakes and Pastries)♥♥♥
San Long Tan

Sweet Memories ❤