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Sunday, June 29, 2008
2dae very tired.Hw come?B'cos yesterdae I watch TV until 11pm,then after tat I went 2 sleep but couldn't b'cos my father was snoring very loudly all the way through the night.Hw I tossed n turn still cnnt sleep.Then 2dae woken up by the sound of the TV.My father on the sound till quite loud until my younger brother in the living room can hear.B'cos my room was lyk splitted into half 4 my father 2 live 4 the time being.So I go over n scold him but he was laughin.I soon realise tat I hav panda eyes.Haiz... Still got a very disgusting thing happen.I was carrying the baby n my father was listenin 2 Jay Chou's song n sing until the windows can break.He then lick the baby's hair n the baby's hair got his saliva.I scold him 4 being gross but he lick his finger n clean his finger on my arm.Then my arm got his saliva n I scream very loud.He very digusting seh.Its giving me goosebumps nw.XD

Vivian ★ ,4:21 PM.

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Yesterdae is the WORSE NPCC training eva... I was already feeling a bit upset over some matters n the training made it more worse than eva.When the sirs n mams come,their face lyk black black lyk tat then I immediately noe tat a storm is brewing.Its really true.The sec 2s got tortured 4 the entire training n the mam take away 1 of their rank n 2 of their badges.Actually the training yesterdae was ok but b'cos a group of guys in the squad sae vulgarities n dun dare 2 own up,then the whole squad kena punish.Nw my hand hav blisters n my knees duno somehw oso hav.Then the consent form 4 the road safety seems missing.Duno where the heck I threw it.Haiz... Its a very bad dae 4 me la.N I found the song I lyk a lot by The Veronicas.Its call "Untouched".There r no songs yet so I hav 2 post the video.The video is a bit erm... but hope u will enjoy the song.=D

Vivian ★ ,11:58 AM.

Sunday, June 22, 2008
2morrow school will reopen.Wun see my baby sista in lyk duno hw many hours.Lazy 2 count.Tired seh.2dae my grandmother cook sphaggeti or wadeva,i duno hw 2 spell so if wrong tell me.I lyk very stupid,duno tis duno tat,wad I'm onli gd at is identifying songs n 4 fashion wads in or wads the trend things lyk tat.When it comes 2 school work,headache.Lol...XD But its still ok la.Actually nth 2 blog lately.I may not blog so much when school reopen but will surely blog durin weekends.=]

Vivian ★ ,8:27 PM.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
2dae is the worse dae eva.Had a quarrel with my mother.N I oso realise tat she is chased out by her useless father.Nw currently staying with her fwen.Jus b'cos of a small matter then they severe ties with each other.Its so riddiculous!I can't belive it.I hate her parents,her father n her step-mother.She made me vey upset 2dae.I almost cry.I dun lyk the feelin of quarreling with her.Wad should I do?Tis can't carry on 4eva.Everytime I quarrel with my mother I feel very hurt.Haiz...Oso no choice,she forced me.I am still very upset.I wish tat the quarreling have awaken her from her mistakes.Jus wish tat tis will not happen again...=]

Vivian ★ ,7:44 PM.

Thursday, June 19, 2008
A few daes later school will reopen.Tired lehs... Then mus go 4 D n T lessons.The D n T people sae not fun one.Homec more fun.Heard they sae they partner according 2 register number.Ah...........I dun wan.If partner according 2 register number,I will hav 2 partner with Amino.He very dangerous.Hope not partner according 2 register number if not I die.Thanawin still ok.Not tat dangerous.But when if come 2 science,oso very dangerous.Tat time he poke a hole in a test tube.Omg...XD Just wish none of these will happen.

Vivian ★ ,12:41 PM.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Went 2 the Polyclinic again,so happy 2 hear tat I will not go there again with my baby sister.Yeah...Lol.Yesterdae then I noe Kim already decided not 2 buy the hoodie already but nvm,still got cardigan.Its cheaper than the hoodie n easy 2 save.Wad colour should I buy,electric blue or black,Kim n Xin Ling,pls help arh.XD So sleepy.2dae 8+ in the morning wake up n mus go 2 the Polyclinic or wadeva la.Go there even more tired.Haiz...Haven finish my maths hmwk yet,mus do.Wonder y these few daes so sian.

Vivian ★ ,10:20 AM.

Monday, June 16, 2008
My tagboard is dead.Nvm...School is goin 2 reopen soon in about er...let me see,in about 6 daes?Not sure cos my math is poor.Yesterdae is Father's dae.I hav no money 2 buy a gift,so I made a card.N my father appreciate it.In about a few daes or 2morrow,I may post my baby sister pictures.She is so cute yet naughty.N maybe pictures of my younger brother n younger sister.Those who noe me n haven see my siblings b4,wait 4 me 2 upload the pictures.Lol Got 2 go. ;D

Vivian ★ ,12:21 PM.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Miss Kim...Tat time she got tell me when she will be comin bck but I 4get.Short-term memory.Haiz...Went 2 Xin Ling xiao jie's blog.The tagboard hor...hopeless.Tat time put wrong place,then I tell her n she put in the correct place.Nw,when u wan 2 type sth in her tagboard,very hard la.B'cos half of the tagboard gone...XD I think the skin got a bit of prob.Nxt time help her chose a nice one.N oso help her with a lot of stuff.I am lookin 4ward 2 the nxt gathering at TNPS.I heard them sayin the nxt gathering will be on National Day Celebration which is b4 the real National Day.I wonder if we can go in the school or not b'cos tat time Chinese New Year celebration we get chase out by the security guard,but in the end with the help of Kim,we get 2 get in.N Gi,dun be angry with Marilyn already la,4get everything,okaes?=]

Vivian ★ ,7:08 PM.

Friday, June 13, 2008
Gillian is bck from the camp yesterdae,yeah... Lol.Nw jus waiting 4 Kim 2 come bck from Malaysia in about lyk 3-4 daes.Miss her a lot.But she promise me the minute she come bck she would call me n tell me wad happen durin her trip.Nw I jus try 2 save money 2 buy a hoodie from Lina's blogshop.Which cost $22,but she sae jus pay $16 oso can.But hav 2 pay her bck on the nxt visit 2 TNPS.All I manage 2 save is lyk erm... less than $5.When school reopens,I think I will save up 2 $16 very quickly.But will try my best 2 save up 2 $22.=D

Vivian ★ ,11:55 AM.

Thursday, June 12, 2008
2morrow dun need 2 go 2 the Polyclinic.So gd.But need 2 go bck there on Saturdae.Sian... 2dae is the 1st time I eat almond paste.Very nice leh.Normally I eat sesame paste,but the 1 I dun eat so often is peanut paste,a bit too sweet.XD Then there is tis weird person call duno wad KEL in my msn contact.I 4get hw I add him already.Ask him hu he r,dun wan 2 sae.Weird... I dun even noe tat person.Then I see the friendster profile.Ok,21 years old.Omg... Ok nvm.I 4get when will Kim come bck from Malaysia n Gillian bck from the camp.Miss them... Nobody talk 2 me on the phone.So sad.But they r goin 2 be bck soon la.They sae when they come bck they will call me.Hahs.=D

Vivian ★ ,12:25 PM.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
2dae another borin dae.Went 2 the Polyclinic then found out my baby sister hav jaundice or wadeva.If its serious,then she has 2 be admitted 2 the hospital lyk me when I was a baby.I am the weakest among my siblings n the most sickly one.Lol...XD But still the luckiest of them all.Then I plae with the baby.So cute...Then after tat she sleep already.Haha...Then c my father doin face mask,the face become brown colour.Then I sae later the baby wake up c u duno hu u r then cry.Heehee.I very bad I noe.But my father oso.Everytime sae I pig or sth else.Then hav a fite with my younger brother again.Wonder when can hav 1 dae of peace...

Vivian ★ ,4:07 PM.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Haiz... Its very tiring 2 look after the baby.When she cries,u hav 2 make her quiet.N makin sure tis tat.Then yesterdae the baby sleep on my lap.It was about 2pm+.Then my father sae 2 me tat if i sit there till 6pm he giv me $2.So little.He should at least giv me a dollar more.Then after 1h+,I am havin leg cramps.I hav no choice but 2 ask my grandmother 2 carry her 2 the bed.Painful sia...XD Then 2dae I manage 2 plae with the baby 4 a while b4 she start cryin.But quite fun la.=D

Vivian ★ ,3:08 PM.

Monday, June 09, 2008
Yeah...There's a new arrival in the family.A baby sister.N tat makes me a sister of 3.When my mother heard about tis,although she sae tat she is not jealous,but I can sense it.Not onli her,my younger sister,Vanessa,oso feel jealous.Sae tat we got a new sister then dun wan her already.Lol...Then I on the phone tell my sister 2 ask my mother 2 put the phone on loud speaker.B'cos my younger sister sae she dun let her c the baby.So I tell my sister nvm,can c wan,either I carry it downstairs when she come or I take photo of the baby n let her c.N tell my mother dun be jealous.Then after talkin 2 my younger sister,my mother can't stand it another n wans 2 ans the phone.I immediately sae bb 2 my sister n put down the phone.Hahas.Can sense tat she is fed up.XD

Vivian ★ ,10:42 AM.

Saturday, June 07, 2008
Came bck from councillor camp yesterdae.Onli sleep for 1h+.Very tired.Then yesterdae sleep until 2dae 12 noon.Very long eh.The camp is very fun,especially the water activities.I go n splash Alan,but in the end he was not so wet n I am very damn wet.Then oso get splash by Lydia.Hahas...The road safety trip quite borin.It made some of the councillors includin me,miss the amazing race.Haiz... They sae got go popular,stadium n the library but tiring as u either walk or run.But its nice 2 come bck home n sleep b'cos we hav 2 sleep in the classroom n on the floor somemore.So tats y I cannot sleep.Oh ya.

Kim ask me 2 do tis quiz

Rules- Blogger who has been tagged has to start with 10 random facts about themselves.
At the end of this,you hav to choose 7 people and tag them about this quiz.

1)i PREFER NOT 2 be blur
2)i am in LOVE with my fwens n family
3)i HATE backstabbers
4)i LOVE 105/08 n 6.6/07
5)i LISTEN 2 english music
6)i LOVE swimming,rollerblading n cycling as a sport
7)i FEEL happy now
8)i THINK tat my maths can't pass nxt semester
9)i THINK tat NPCC rox
10)i THINK i'm in LOVE with nobody
3 people I wan 2 tag
1)Xin Ling

Vivian ★ ,4:50 PM.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008
2morrow is the student councillor camp.Its from Thursdae 2 Fridae.Those hu always call me,pls arh,wan call me call after 6pm.Then 2morrow oso hav the road safety training 4 NPCC.Tired leh.Y mus it collide with the camp... I wonder wad will we do at the camp.Sharen got a haircut.Wondering hw will he look lyk.Hahahaha.XD He sae tat his father destroy his hair.Then go 4 the road safety mus wear track pants.Very uncomfortable one.Cannot wear P.E shorts.Jus nw sprained my leg.Ouch... Nw walking oso hav a bit of problem.These few daes really unlucky 4 me.

Vivian ★ ,1:08 PM.

Sunday, June 01, 2008
2dae went 2 the walkathon.Its at Pasir Ris Park.There's a lot of people down there.Items at sale,food n of course,walk almost the whole park.We were about 2 turn n head back 2 the finish point then my father wans 2 short cut b'cos he sae he was tired.Some of his fwens sae he cheatin,he made up an excuse sayin he wans 2 go 2 the toilet.4 me its already considered as cheatin.After the walk,I saw Co Co.Long time no see her already.B'cos my father was goin 2 move in n hav no space 4 the 2 dogs,so he hav 2 giv them 2 his fwens 2 take care of it.Too bad I onli saw one 2dae.But I miss the Golden Retriever a lot.Then go 2 the beach plae.I n my younger brother pick up sea shells,then go into the sea.I find myself very useless.While my younger brother was in the water nearing his knees,I was standin in the water nearin my ankle quite frightened.We wanted 2 take the sea shells home,but cnnt b'cos of my grandfather's superstitious beliefs.Sad... It was my first time goin 2 White Sands Mall n find the place quite nice b'cos its in blue.After eatin,the whole family went 2 shop 4 baby items.At least I hav quite a fun time 2dae.XD

Vivian ★ ,6:38 PM.

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Blogger ❤

17 November is my day . :D
14+ this year .
Loves listening to music .
Love my family and friends .
Love doggys .
I'm a total chocolate lover .
Rollerblading,swimming and cycling are my faves too .
Loves all shades of Blue,especially Light Blue .
And have 3 adorable siblings:Wei Chong a.k.a Fatso,
Verene .

bold underlined strikeout
Email. Friendster. Facebook

Music ❤

♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♪

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Wishlist ❤

• Animal(Ke$ha) .
• Chasing Lights(The Saturdays) .
• Circus(Britney Spears) .
• David Archuleta(David Archuleta) .
• Doll domination(PCD) .
• Fearless(Platinum edition)(Taylor Swift) .
• Guilty Pleasure(Ashley Tisdale) .
HSM 3 .
• Step Up 3 OST .
• The Fame(Lady GaGa) .
• The Fame Monster(Lady GaGa) .
• Aliens in the attic .
• Bandslam .
• Bride Wars .
• Cats and Dogs 2 .
• Confessions of a shopaholic .
• Fame .
• G.I. Joe .
• Love Happens .
• Marley and me .
• Monsters vs Aliens .
• The Proposal .
• The Time Traveler's Wife .
• Tooth Fairy .
• X-men Origins Wolverine .
• 9 .
• Twilight .
New Moon .
• Eclipse .
Breaking Dawn .
• Marked .
Betrayed .
Chosen .
Untamed .
Hunted .
Tempted .
• Burned .
The Time Travelers's Wife .
• Vampire Diaries book 3 and 4.
• Curl my hair(whn I'm older) .
• Dye my hair brown .
• Get good grades for Sec 2,3,4(Hopefully) .
• Get into Temasek Poly/TPJC .
• Learn how to play the guitar .
• A Baby Pooh Bear .
• Everybody to be happy .

Sweet Escapes ❤

Hang Ying♥
Jin Yang♥
Jun Yi♥♥
Kah Ngee♥♥
Man Kit♥
Ning Zi♥♥
Shi Teng♥
Si Yi♥
Xin Ling♥♥♥
Yan Han♥
Yin Ning♥♥
Yong Long♥
Zi Ning♥
Zi Qian♥♥
EVSS Class 205 Blog♥♥♥
Mummy's Blogshop(Cakes and Pastries)♥♥♥
San Long Tan

Sweet Memories ❤