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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Long time no blog.2dae is POP.The sec 4s r leavin.So sad.XD 2morrow got a duno wad walk thing.My father sae mus go b'cos the company which industry is it is hosting it.Then mus wake up very early somemore.Then I will hav no energy.So early wake up then I will feel sleepy one.I almost goin 2 sleep 2dae durin POP.Then when the sec 1s sing then its lyk so horrble.But better than yesterdae b'cos we sing lyk attendin funeral.Haha.Then we had alot of fun.Then come back home dead beat.Nvm,still get bullied by my younger sister.Sit on my back n jump somemore.Very pain.Then I sae my mother's "man" ugly.Get scoldin from her.Not fair one.Care about her "man" more than me.But no choice la.Very sad...

Vivian ★ ,9:29 PM.

Sunday, May 25, 2008
I think the spammer is tired of spammin already.I guess I can keep my blog unprivate again.But must see 1st.If not after a few daes he come back again.Tats y I pressume tat I must wait 4 lyk about 1 n a half week then I will keep my blog unprivate again.I hate those spammers.Come peoples blog create trouble or spout nonsense.Irritating.Those people come spam is b'cos they hav nth 2 do.Pathetic.I still can't figure out y I almost fail my English.I sometimes watch english channels,listen 2 english songs,tunin in 2 a english station n always speak english on the phone or 2 my fwens.Weird rite?Even when I blog oso use english.Wad hav gone wrong?I am hopeless already.XD

Vivian ★ ,6:53 PM.

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Those hu noes the condition of my blog,its just simply pathetic.Its just lyk my life turned haywired in just a few daes.The stupid spammer keep goin Kim's blog spam usin my name.If I noe hu tis spammer is he will die I swear.Its just damn irritatin!Ask Kim keep her blog private,she insisted not too.Come on u guys think about it.Kim no offence arh.Tis matter is makin me very piss off already.U r worried about ur cousin.I noe tat but,instead of 2 blog gettin spamed,1 is more better.U can just go ur cousin's blog n help.I already sayin no offence.But its better 2 leave the spammer alone I should sae.If u continue fitin,the fite is goin 2 be nvr endin.So I suggest tat dun fite with the spammer.2nd,my results.I almost fail my English 4 everything.I was dumbfounded.I nvr expect it 2 happen.I was on the spot sayin "Oh My God".My Science,the A1 drop 2 B3.Chinese oso drop.Its lyk everythings gone wrong.Then my father banned me from listenin 2 the radio.Its lyk hell 2 me without music...XD Now so many unhappy things goin on.Wad am I goin 2 do?Haiz.Headache.Spammer,I'm goin 2 find out hu u r n thrash it out in front of u.N will matbe include violence.Just dun make me do it!

Vivian ★ ,9:44 PM.

Thursday, May 22, 2008
2dae got 2 stupid n idiotic person come my blog n spam.They 2 go hell can liaos.Think I wad.Control me.If I noe them I will let them pay 4 it.Those from 6.3 or 6.7 pls help.I wan 2 noe hu they r n come my blog 4 wad.N wad they wan.U 2 spammers better watch out.From 6.3 one rite?Dun think tat I will not noe.I can ask some of them.Dun think I am stupid.If people lyk tat scold u 2 u wan or not?Dun wan rite?Then u lyk tat scold people.Dun think I am a pushover,I hav my limits.I will find out hu u 2 r n will make u pay bck!

Vivian ★ ,4:36 PM.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
2dae very tiring.Nth 2 do one.The comin events 4 me is the PTC n my younger sister's b'dae.But PTC was the worse one compare 2 my younger sister's b'dae.I will hav 2 face the music.I wish tat students no need 2 come tat dae.Hw gd but parents come back oso will hav 2 face the music 4 those whose results r not tat gd.No choice.Then dunno wad 2 get 4 my sister.B'cos of my mother's "weird" temper.Its even more difficult.I suggest buyin a stuff toy 4 her but they sae dun wan b'cos later my mother can't stand 2 much stuffs in her room or angry with my sister then throw it away.So everytime I giv my sister sth I will warn her not 2 throw it away.Funny rite?So people,if u hav tis kind of mother hu lyks 2 throw away ur stuff n not hers,warn her tat if she throw away ur things,u will throw hers 2.Not recomended as u may get a scoldin or beatin.XD

Vivian ★ ,3:04 PM.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The model that my group invent is very simple yet gd.It only need a few hours 2 complete eveerything.Happy 4 me n my group.Secondary school life is more harder than Primary school life.There is not many projects in Primary school life but neither did I expect that there r heaps of projects in Secondary school life.Tired...XD I afraid of the PTC.Ah!!!I think my father is gonna kill me 4 my math.Very scary.loL...Nth 2 do much lately.Wish tat this Fridae no CCA.Hahas.=D

Vivian ★ ,3:37 PM.

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Got bck my results.Everything pass la but not satisfy!!!Let me tell u hw much I got.

English = 63/100
Maths = 52/100(lucky pass if not kill by my father)
Chinese = 68/100
Science = 68/100
Geography = 64.5/100
Homec = 71/100
Literature = 50/100(lucky just pass)
Art = 73/100
Music = 77/100

See la.With results lyk tat I feel so HORRIBLE b'cos its not up 2 my standard.Nw I realise tat no tuition will die eh.Lets just hope tat someone is gd enough 2 teach me 4 free.But tat will NVR happen.Ah... I hate Maths.XD But nvm b'cos my maths is hopeless.

Vivian ★ ,8:28 PM.

Monday, May 12, 2008
2dae go back TNPS.I damn miss tat place man.We saw Miss Liew,Miss Ler,Mr Toh,Mr Yeo n of course the principal,Mrs Low.Then see Choon(Choon Chia) n Wei Teck n lots.Its lyk bck 2 last year.Then when we were about 2 left,I saw tat person.Kim sae he is more gd-lookin nw.I dun even care.When we reach CS then we found out the neopritn shop close.We went 2 eat pizza,buy acessorries n stuffs.If I am not wrong,the nxt time we meet is Kim's mother bring us go Toa Payoh Hub.Lookin 4ward 2 it.Nvr felt tis happy b4.=D

Vivian ★ ,8:51 PM.

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Yay!!!2morrow can c Kim,Xin Ling n the others!Its been a long time since we met.Can't wait.But a sad thing is tat its mother's dae 2dae but I dun hav a chance 2 celebrate with her,maybe even the rest of the years.Quite saddening.But its ok la.Just now got scoldin from my grandfather b'cos he sae I make a lot of noise.The fact is my grandmother is talkin 2 me n I just reply then he scold me but nvm.2morrow's the dae tat I will meet my fwens.TT4N...XD

Vivian ★ ,4:09 PM.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Yeah... 2 more daes then can go out with Kim n Xin Ling.So happy.Exams finally over.Can relax.My tagboard very polluted.Haiz...XD Y did they come my blog n create trouble?Cannot "da han" them.Go TM n CS a bit borin but I promise my grandma I wun anyhow "run" so cannot go whitesands lor.If not the neoprints down there quite cheap.Sian lor 2dae.Nth 2 do.The Royshton lyk havin bad temper 2dae.Fierce n a bit scary.Lol... I wonder wad hapen 2 him.Wish time would pass soon n reach Mondae.Can't wait.

Vivian ★ ,6:03 PM.

Sunday, May 04, 2008
2morrow exam.Sian... Then after the next dae is Math.Can die.I hate Math.Paper 1 cannot use calculator.2dae I very angry with my younger brother.He very rude 2 me nvm.He scold me bad word somemore.I was lyk very piss off.Thinking of mother's dae,I 4get when it was but somewhere in May.This year I dun think I can celebrate mother's dae.Very sad rite?Haiz... I dun think I will giv presents 2 my mummy again.Y must it happen 2 me.Nw mother's dae is meaningless 2 me.Worse is tat I dun even remember when is father's dae was as a few years back my father was overseas n we did not celebrate father's dae.Thinking of this I m very sad.I wish tat I can celebrate mother's dae.N Nick,u wan beating rite?Sae somemore u die.XD

Vivian ★ ,3:26 PM.

Saturday, May 03, 2008
Mondae is English exam.So worried sia.The subject I fear most is Math.I afraid tat I might fail again.But I think this time round I can make it.I dun tink it will be tat hard la.Kim recently tell me about her tyrant teacher.Very the tyranical.Keep provoking,threatening n blackmailing her.Its lyk I m her gd fwen then she get bully by her math teacher makes me a bit angry lor.I n Kim wish her 2 be sack.Nw Kim's parents n grandmother side tat teacher.So it is hard 4 Kim nw.N Xiu Jun,I swear I will kill u!!!XD...

Vivian ★ ,4:04 PM.

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Blogger ❤

17 November is my day . :D
14+ this year .
Loves listening to music .
Love my family and friends .
Love doggys .
I'm a total chocolate lover .
Rollerblading,swimming and cycling are my faves too .
Loves all shades of Blue,especially Light Blue .
And have 3 adorable siblings:Wei Chong a.k.a Fatso,
Verene .

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Music ❤

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Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Wishlist ❤

• Animal(Ke$ha) .
• Chasing Lights(The Saturdays) .
• Circus(Britney Spears) .
• David Archuleta(David Archuleta) .
• Doll domination(PCD) .
• Fearless(Platinum edition)(Taylor Swift) .
• Guilty Pleasure(Ashley Tisdale) .
HSM 3 .
• Step Up 3 OST .
• The Fame(Lady GaGa) .
• The Fame Monster(Lady GaGa) .
• Aliens in the attic .
• Bandslam .
• Bride Wars .
• Cats and Dogs 2 .
• Confessions of a shopaholic .
• Fame .
• G.I. Joe .
• Love Happens .
• Marley and me .
• Monsters vs Aliens .
• The Proposal .
• The Time Traveler's Wife .
• Tooth Fairy .
• X-men Origins Wolverine .
• 9 .
• Twilight .
New Moon .
• Eclipse .
Breaking Dawn .
• Marked .
Betrayed .
Chosen .
Untamed .
Hunted .
Tempted .
• Burned .
The Time Travelers's Wife .
• Vampire Diaries book 3 and 4.
• Curl my hair(whn I'm older) .
• Dye my hair brown .
• Get good grades for Sec 2,3,4(Hopefully) .
• Get into Temasek Poly/TPJC .
• Learn how to play the guitar .
• A Baby Pooh Bear .
• Everybody to be happy .

Sweet Escapes ❤

Hang Ying♥
Jin Yang♥
Jun Yi♥♥
Kah Ngee♥♥
Man Kit♥
Ning Zi♥♥
Shi Teng♥
Si Yi♥
Xin Ling♥♥♥
Yan Han♥
Yin Ning♥♥
Yong Long♥
Zi Ning♥
Zi Qian♥♥
EVSS Class 205 Blog♥♥♥
Mummy's Blogshop(Cakes and Pastries)♥♥♥
San Long Tan

Sweet Memories ❤